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(Registered Office : No.19, Chunchaghatta Main Road, SBM Colony,
Bangalore - 560 062)
Although the Trust was registered on 17th August 2013, based on broad parameters / objectives of the trust, Ram’s have been conducting executing various activities all the field since 2012. These activities were funded/ sponsored by various organization employees Anantharam Associates etc. Following are the few activities conducted by the Ram’s.
- A SMALL GESTURE from Kaggada katte friendsfor uplifting g toilet in Dhanvanthri
park for public utility
- Swamy Vivekananda Jatanthi Celeberated by our satsung Group. Special Guest Shri
- Computer/Mobile application training programm conducted @RVInstitute of
Management under CSR for senior Citizens. Get together on 01.01.2025 Thanks RVManagement
- Protest march organised on 11.12 24 @Dhanvanthri park atrocities against Hindus
in Bangladesh This movement will continue
- Kannada Rajyotsva Function @Dhanvanthri park on 30.11.24 MLA MR
Ramurthy,Manjunatha Reddy,,Somashekhar participated in the function
- Kannada Rajyotsva celebration from JPNCWA cheif guest CINE Director TT.S
Nagabharana. OTHER Dignatories MzlA C.K.Ramurthy,,XMayor szNataraj,Manju athaReddy
participated in the function
- Kannada Rajyotsva celebration on 9.11.24 @L&TSouth city Walkthon for senior
citizen was organised
- KANNADA Rajyotsva from Clappers group celebrated @Dhanvanthri park
- Gym equipment.e fs relating Dhanvanthri park,,&Senior citizen park got repaired
today Courtesy RAMS
- Independent day celebration @J.p.nagar club,&Jpn wA welfareassociation
- Independent day celebration @J.P.Nagar Club, & JPN Welfare Association
- 4th Anniversary of Yoga Kendra,women's wing lead by KrishnVeni (1St anniversary) was performed at J.p.nagar club hall wonderful presentation by women wing yoga team The cheif guest Dr Geetha Ramunujam Educationalist,writer Theatre artist, philanthropist gave a splendbound talk on self &Women role in transformation of i building ideal soocity
- DHANVANTHRI YOGA team performed 108 surya namaskaram on 16.2.24 being Ratha
saptimi day one group lead by Sadananda&Ramu,.The other exclusively ladies wing was
organised by Krishnsveni &Team Totally it is a committed yoga team
- RAMS on the occasion of Father ceromoney Thachambat subramanya Dixit on 2.02 24
sponsered special scholarship to two children &Three teachers of Mahatma School who were
voluntary service to the organisation
- Republic function organised by JPNCWA @BBMP wardoffice premises on 26.1.24
- Prana Pratistapana @ Ayodya..Aarathi proframm was organised @Dhanvanthri park
on 22.1.24
- Nagara Kirthana &Sreeram Bhajan was organised in Natraj park on 31.12 23 by
clapping Friends
- 9.12.23 annual sports day function @Mahatma Gandhi school J.p.nagar
- Kannada Rajyotsva Function organised by JP Nagar WArd on 25 Th Nov 2023 C K
Ramurthy,MLA,Y.K Muddukrishna IAS were cheif gues
- BBMP south zone Idependence Day Celebration on 16.8.23
Sister Mrs. Soumya Reddy, an honest and popular MLA of Jayanagara Assembly
constituency, had organized a public gathering program at the eighth layout of Jayanagar
Shakambari Nagar ward of Jayanagar Vidhanasabha constituency.
- ON THESPECIOUS OF DAY OF CHILDREN DAY honourable MLA sowmya Reddy&Vinay Guruji honoured sevak Trust trustees Manjula Arun &Aru kumar FOR the wonderful work done regarding women empowerment in the last 2 years Second function was upgradation of govt school @Marenahalli out of MLA Funds
- A unknown person committed suicide inside the park on28.10.2022. Near the children park area. Children were refused to come to park to play. HENCE graha shanthi was performed on 7.11.2022 to evacuate the fear/negative force/evil
- Kannada Rajyotsv function @Dhanvanthri park on 12.11.2022 X mayor Nataraj Manjunatha Reddy &Anangbzraman hoisted the flag Culture programme was arranged RAMS
Anniversary day of our our Yoga Kendra. On 16.9.2022 Dr Sheshagiri RAO Principal
truste of Mahatma Education socity ( former adviser to S.M Krishna CM, Govt of Kar) was
the chief guest Yoga teacher mrSadananda, Ramakrishna Was honoured
Our Family grup of Cousin brothers Trust celebrated Kumbhabeshekham for
Gramadevethe Renukamba, solaiammn vinayakar which are more than 300 years old)
Kumbabishekam was performed as per Agama shastras as per Hindu system. The programme was
well attended by relatives family members coming from various parts of the country
belonging to Thachambat origin. Equally full participation from villagers, including
elected representative MLA Agni Krishna Murthy &other councillars, ex MLA attended the
event on 8. 9. 2022@Thachambat Tiruvanna mai District.
Today is SAMAVEDA Upakarma.. A small group of around 100 samavedis changed their
thread under the guidance of HarishBHat Vedic Pandit @Giri Nagar
Ranms have arranged permanentwater arrangement for Toilets located @Danvanthri
To Promote eco friendly Ganesha our MLA Sowmya Reddy Distributed MUD Ganesha to
Public on n 29.8.2022@Durga parameswari Ground . JPNCCA ECMembers recd Ganesha from
Sowmya Reddy. We wish Happy Gowri Ganesha Festival to all
Guru poornima. our Yoga Guru Mr Sadananda was honoured by the students of yoga
Group both (Sarakki&J.P.nagar). The function was organised nicely Withcent percent
Internation Yoga Day celebration on 21.6.2022@Sarakki Govt High school
litter clearence&preventive Drive in ward178 jointly organisedby JPNCCA,
VETSchool, &BBMP, under the leadership Our MLA SowmyaReddy on 11.6.2022. This is going
to be continues Process with a target Of Zero Black spot In JNRConstituency
Trees were planted @Dhanvantri park by X mayor Nataraj x Corporator Deepika
Manjunath Reddy Mr Manjunath reddy JPNCCA committe members &Dhanavanthri park walkers
friends Horticulture Officials Smt Manjula &other officials participated in the programe
RAMS Charitable Trust helped to pay fees for 1st year 2nd semester student Suhas
Studying in KSIT ka na ka pura Road Both father&mother of students lost Job due
This was the park which was ignored for many years(opp indian oil Petrol bunk)
now taken up for development &face lifting. Residents of all age group actively
participated in the pooja. Adjacent to park there is vacant govt land of
5acres&3guntas.Encroachment ,litigation false documents are created. court had given the
verdict that this land belongs to BDA. Originally this area was marked for civic use in
the Town planning . Everybody should support &stand by her so that govt land can be
utilised for civic use. She is capable of fighting &getting the land for civic use First
step was getting funds for development of park by fighting&discussing to release funds
allotment for JNR consttuency from C. M. if people of JNR participate along with elected
representatives Many more developments can be seen In JNR in the coming days All the
Best to her in her endeavor
JPNCCA association expressed big thanks to MLA SomyaReddy for providing
/installing LED lights through out the park &illuminating children park area
On the occasion of Ramanavami, a cultural programme was arranged @yoga center on
Vidushi Anupama Sreemali&party gave wonderful classical music keeping the ordiance spell
bound Manjunath Reddy graced the occasion This programme was organised by JPNCCA
Pranayam free classes was inagurated @yoga kendra on 30.3.2022.Cine Director,
actor, Producer, &, popular Ranga bhoomi Kalavida T. S.NAgabharana, our popular
Jayanagar constituency MLA Sowmya Reddy, cine actress Padmavathi Vasanthi, jyothi
eswarappa, inaugurated by lighting the lamp. Function was organised by yoga group of
friends with the co ordinator of yoga kendra anantharaman
Anantharam Rams Charitable: Trustees of Rams attended s function to facilitate
S.T.Somashekar Min co operative@GREi group of Institution Kanakapura, Anantharam Rams
Charitable: Function was organised by GREI institution lead by founder Director Geetha
In coordination with Bharat petroliam Agency Mr Captain Harish, Rams arranged
special iron Box for ironing clothes thr GAS to Shanthi on 26-1-2022
Inspired by Rathasaptami programme by Yoga kendra of sarakki&J.p.Nagar lead by
yoga Guru Sadananda, Dekathlon a corporate Sports company sponsored A Workshop
on yoga at their Bannergatta Office. On 27th feb 2022.
Kannada Rajyothsva was celebersted at Dhanvanthri park on 28.11.2021 . Ranga
bhoomi Kalaveda , Sangeetha Nataka acadamy awardee sreenivas, Kappanna was the chief
guest. x mayor, nataraj, Manjunathareddy Arun kumar participated in the function
Well organised. Good lot of information aboutWaste management. Reduce, Remove,
recycle concept has been well communicated.
Beedhi Nataka on Plastic disposal, craft from waste, Bottle Painting, Drawing
competition all in one roof was packed and very informative
Kannada Rajyotsva on 1.11.21 @JPNCCA Flag hoisting By our MLASowmyaReddy,Ex
payor S. k. natarajManjunatha reddy, Aruna were present In this occasion JPNCcCA
honoured Drs from PHC, Health Inspectors, &Supervisorsof BBMP
Newly elected Ec members of JPNCCAMeet MLAOn 27.10.21 to seek support for
alround development of JPNagar. Also invited her Kannada Rajyotsva on 1stNov 2021. Great
courtesy well recorded
Job fair was arranged by JNR MLA Somya Reddy @SSMRVCollege in co ordination with
AKTechnologies &their group of company's. Students/Aspirants enthusiastically
participated AGreat begining after severe attack on employment due to carona. We are
sure that MLA somya Reddy will take lead in creating Job opportunities for unemployed
youths in the days to come by connecting Job seekers to JOB Providers
Shilpa student of VET college assisted by smart phone. Survey says 1/3 of
students of poor household in urban/rural do not attend online classes dur to lack of
smart phone
Vaccination drive@agrahsra j. P. Naganr 2 nd phase organised JNRMLA&BBMP.More
than 200 people took vaccination. Dr geetha Ramesh was kind enough to come to residence
to vaccinate smtLeela whose legs hhave been amputed She has been doing great service by
arranging camp more than 4 wards each day we salute for her dedication
In Agrahara vaccination drive few executive From Health Deprt BBMP visited the
spot &appreciated the efforts taken by volunteers from JNR Congress and the response
from public for vaccination. MudhusudamMHO, Dr Geetha Ramesh, MrSharat
Free vaccination was arranged by Aruna kumar&manjula Arunkumar @ Modern school
Sarakki J. p nagar exclusively for women under CSRProgramme arranged by MLA Smt Somya,
Reddy. About700 vaccination was given from mor to 4.PM.
In addition to the free vaccination luckky dip was arranged for the people who got
vaccinated which was a center of attraction. Programme was well attended and conducted
well It is informed Almost 75% of people in JNRConstituency has been covered by
vaccination AGreat Job &Great intiative taken by MLA Somya Reddy
- Protest march was organised against Maharastra govt for assaulting 4thpillar of Democracy on 4th Nov 2020
- 75thindependence day celebration @Dhanvanghripark.Airmarshal Burali hoisted National flag. Naval commander BGKSwamy, col Sreedhar, Captain Harish, Corporal Desai Nataraj XMayor, DeepikaManjunathareddy &friends participated in the programe
Free medical camp was organised JNR MLA , Somya, Reddy to day iin front of
Dhanvanthri park Good Intiative This facility is available one day between in front of the park once in15days Request citizen to utilise this
- 74th Independenceday was celebrated on 15.8.2020@Dhanvanthri Park.ExMayor Nataraj and corporator Manjunathareddy hoisted the National Flag
- Good intiative by our MLA somya Sowmya Reddy and corporator. dDeepika manjunathareddy vin ward 178. Mobile Rapid antibody Free test was conducted on 28 7.2020 Results were given in 20 min since south is covered by clusters this type of facility was thought if Mobile testing us in firce we'd 28.7.20
- Facilitation function organised by suvarna channel under the name of Jayanagar sambrama on1.3.2020. Recognisising common man for the small contribution to society.Good perception.Joint participation with elected representative will help for inclusive development. Thanks to corporator Deepaka Manjunathareddy Late vijayakumar has laid strong foundation for progressive development of JNR.constituency.Current MLASmt sowmya Reddy has been working hardto continue the phase of development besides keeping herself involved in all round development of JNR.byGetting substantial amount of sanction from Govt and also monitoring each aspects closely in each ward we thank all the elected representative and Nice perception Of introducing of recognising the contribution of commonan to the society by our Young Leader and M.P Sourya
- Yoga kendra foundation laid by park friends under the leadership of late Vijayakumar MLA on20 th Aug 2017 Entire cost were met out of MLA funds allocated which was inaugurated by MLA Soumaya Reddy and Deepaka Reddy corporator.. .People of ward 178 .should dedicate this gesture to our Late MLA
- Inauguration of yoga kendra on 8.2.2020 at Dhanvanthri park MLA somya Reddy corporator. Ex Mayor Nataraj were the guest of honour .corporator Mrs oDeepaka Manjunathareddy ward 178 was helpful in getting the work done early. .free yoga classes will start from Monday to Friday exclusive ladies Batch arranged
- Dr Geetharamanujam Founder Director of GREI educationalist,writer,and noted public speaker play writer addressed women students of charan college on women powerment on 22.1.2020
- 71 Republic day function at Dhanvanthri park.Air Marshal RG Burali Hoisted the flag.
- Bhargur Ramchandrapppa Addressing the gathering on the occasion of Kannada Rajyotsva at Dhanvanthri Park
- On 25.07.2019 J P Nagar citizen forum gave representation to speed up the development work related Dhanvanthri park. She spoke to officials on the spot and directed them to report progress or otherwise before month-end. Two students Miss Kustaba and Yaswini studying in phar5ma and B Com were given free Laptop under the welfare scheme
- Condolence meeting at J p nagar I St phasej p nagar on 16 the Feb 2019 X mayor
Nataraj participated in the meeting
- Veda classes started At Rams Charitable trust ( Reg) office from 16thg Feb 2019
Those who are interested can Join Timings from 6.00pm ti 7.30 pm Evening Dr C L Prbha
kar Retired Sanskrit professor National college is taking the class l
- Onfeb 3rd 2019 Kala Bhomi Platform for exhibiting talents was organized. VET
hal/ Rams sponsored a rural farmer artist from Bagalkot
- 70th Republic Day function at J.P Nagar Park
- Trustee Anantharaman speaking on the occasion.. playback singer Mr Prasad also
attended the function
- Saranya A,young Budding artist gave musical performance (light Music) on
- Dhanvanthri Jayanthi celebrated on 5.12.18 at J.p.nagar park.Function well attended by members
- Kannada Rajyothasava was celebrated on 04.11.2018 at Dhanvanthri Park More than 200 regular walkers participated in the programme saranya Saregama junior winner rendered few Kannada popular songs.
- On the occasion of 6th anniversary of RAMS charitable trust, a compendium of slokas meant for children was released in small function. Dr Samir Khnolkar IIM bangalore and alsoPA to Union Minister of chemicals and fertiliseron 10.10.2018
- Independence Day Celebration at Dhanvanthripark Capstan Harish along with corporator
- Kargil day celebrated at J.P Nagar Park . New MLA Somya Reddy.Corporstor Deepaka and Air Vice Marshal Gunshekar addressed citizens on 26.7.18
- Inaguaration Yoga hall at J P Nagar park MLAS vijayakumar corporatorhaving talk with anantharaman
- Dr. DVG 131 Birth Anniversay Celebration @J.P.nagar Park Organised "Rams charitable trust on 17.03.2018, Pro H. S. Laksminarayana Bhatta analyzed selected poems displayed in the park. CHANDRA MOULI FROM D.V.G Family was honored by M.L.A VijayskumRar and Ex Mayor Nataraj This function was attended by over 150, People. Click Here to View Pictures
- Inaguaration Yoga hall at J P Nagar park MLAS vijayakumar corporatorhaving talk with anantharaman
- Kannada rajyotsavs at J P Nagar Park mayor Mataram graced the occadion
- Conducting classes, training program for Govt. School Children at Chunchanaghatta, Begur, Marenahalli, Kanakapura in respect of soft skill and also the applications of computers through the volunteers / employee of Infosys.
- Providing Iron boxes, mobile cart for poor youths for carrying on activities of Ironing and selling a vegetables in the cart at J.P. Nagar area.
- Free orientation program to face the examination for recruitment of Bank Officers and also preparation of model questions.
- Honoring late Padmavibhushan Sri. R.K. Sreekanthan on his 94th Birthday at his residence in Malleshwaram.
- Sponsoring Carnatic Music Program by creating a platform for the budding artist especially from the rural women (Jayashree, Anupama Bali, Raghavendra).
- Arrangement of daily papers, magazines at J.P. Nagar Park for reading for the senior citizens also providing drinking water facilities at J.P. Nagar Park from 18.10.2013.
- Providing scholarship, woolen drugs, medical facilities, insurance to the needy person, identified by the Trustees.
- Honoring women of reputed nature on the international women’s working day
- Maintaince of Toilets attached to J P Nagar Park
- Providing training program me for empowerment of rural women ln Tailoring / Nursing and crafts At Harohalli / Modibedrry Karkala
- 26-01-2017 Republic Day function was organised in Danavantri Park. Col Sridhar took the salute from school children and residance from JP Nagar and function was well attended by more the 200 person.
- Candle Light march was organised along with youth culb on 26-06-2017 onthe commomarate kargil's day victory
- Programme on awarenessof envirnment was conducted on 14.10.2017 along with rtory south by organising function BOOMTAYI BALAGA AT J P NAGAR PARK RAMS

Introduction Video
Improve living style of people, who are affected by several health issues & poverty and unable to come out this situation.
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